Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4. My transformative photo that changed my style of photography as well as how I perceived the world was this photo.

Before taking this photograph, I was struggling with producing high quality work that I was content with. Most of the photographs that I produced before were messy and did not seem to have a purpose. Therefore, with the before-mentioned photo, I wanted to change my style of photography to be more simple and visually appealing in a whole. If you look at my later photographs, it is evident that my style has changed to adapt a much simpler viewpoint at the world around me. By doing this, I was able to escape from the messy photographs I took before and to produce of an overall higher caliber.

5. Shape and Form are different because shape is 2-dimensional and expresses length and width, while form is 3-dimensional and expresses length, width, and depth. These are my pictures on shape and form. In my shape picture, this element of art is demonstrated by the multiple squares and other 2D shapes found on the pine cone. In my form picture, form is shone by the 3D way the plant protrudes in multiple directions.

6. The difference between pattern and repetition is that repetition consists of only one object or shape being repeated, while in pattern, a combination of shapes and elements are being repeated. In addition, repetition tends to make the work seem active. These are my pictures on pattern and repetition. In my pattern photo, the posters are repeated in an orderly fashion. In my repetition photo, the safety cones are also repeated in an orderly fashion, but they also all have the same color and they all have the same form, which shows repetition.

7. This is my Weebly about page. This is a photographer who inspires me: Walter Iooss

8. My final three projects are: "First Commercial Shoot", "Presentation Project", and "Final Project". Out of these three, my best project was the Final Project. This project was overall better than my other projects because it required much more skill and determination to shoot and it also allowed me to view the world in a different way. To take a suitable picture, I went through considerable effort to climb Mission Peak, and my house just in order to capture a cool landscape. For the other 2 pictures, I had to find suitable settings where the sky was visible and there were structures around the protruded up form the ground. Overall. this project helped me discover new areas of Fremont that is prime photography material. In addition, I used one of my 3 rules, perspective, in this photo to create an aesthetically pleasing photo. I learned to see that photos that can be originally plain, like some landscape photographs, can be turned into something cool through only some Photoshop editing. All in all, this project was much more rigorous and used a lot of planning time in order to produce the desired results.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Final Project

Shot List: Bay Area from Mission Peak, x 2, Lake Elizabeth Parking Lot, Southern California, Fremont